Thursdays practice went as expected, lots of reps. Bri officially was moved to top girl on my side of the first pyramid and we took one group out of the elite sequence. We also added in spring tucks. As me and Gera like to say..."sweating." We were supposed to have a 6am on Friday morning but since we had so much to learn Pat gave us the option of staying until 11 that night. Which we all took thankfully.
It was like beat up Laura day on Thursday. While the two sides of the cheer pyramid were reping our middle group was doing our stunt. Sander, our flier for the stunt, came down weird and body slammed me into the ground. She didn't get hurt though thank the lord and all she did was knock the wind out of me... and rip off my nail. I have fake nails by the way. Then at the end of practice we were throwing our elite basket and somehow Jaclyn came straight down and her foot slammed into my leg and I just felt my leg smash down into my ankle if that makes any sense.
Other than getting beat up practice went well. Team stunts were very good. At one point a bunch of us were hitting the wall and that turned into us getting very very slap happy. Finally the people in charge of closing the IAC kicked us out.
Now onto tonight's practice. Let me just say this. I am starting to understand what Pat is saying when he has me repeat "I am a machine" because today one of the first things we did was redo our first pyramid. So after all these long practices of tying to get the first pyramid to hit, he changes it. Though I will say this, this pyramid is a lot more visual and its a little bit easier to hold.
We spend most of our practice on pyramids today. We repd team stunt for a little bit, while the coed couples were working with the coed team. My group struggled a little bit today. We are hitting the stunt fine, we just need to clean it up... a ton. That's just one of the things on my list to work on.
Here is the kicker of today's practice. I have officially been given the hardest part in our routine. I now am holding the cheer pyramid. So on top of doing everything else along with holding the other two pyramids... I have another one added on. Today was my first day even attempting it and I'm pretty sure we could have given a doll new hair with how much was pulled out of my head. My shoulders have more shoe hickeys than they have all year, but as much as it sucks now, it will be worth it in a few months.
Pat asked me what I thought of holding the pyramid. If its for the benefit of the team and where the team wants to go then don't hesitate to put me in. Therefore...I'm in.
I kept telling Kelvin when we were done with each rep, "I need a harder workout plan for sure now." There is no way I will be able to hold this without working my ass off outside of practice.
They don't compete against us or anything, they are just so damn good and I need some inspiration if I am ever going to be able to make it through this routine.